
Showing posts from September, 2016

GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. Ch-4-7 - 79 to 91. . Ref- Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, Student political wings of certain undesired political parties such as Communists, Congress etc., and supported by department of education of States of Bharatham and defame this holy country by hook or crook!

Opinion                    30/09/2016.                         749                                   All Members,                         Respected family members of this great holy Nation. * Initially, Parents are responsible for the character of Children !             ** Next,  Educational institutions, and Teachers are responsible !!             ***Next, Society is responsible ( TV, MOVIES, etc., )             **** Overall, State and Central Governments are responsible !!!             ***** Politics & Political parties have no roll and  should be avoided!!!!     Sub : GURU-BHA...


Chapter 28 : Evil Vrittis And Their Eradication 5-5,6&7. 5. Methods To Control Lust - 5,6&7. 5. Pranayama : By Pranayama, the mind gradually proceeds from the gross to the subtle. It, therefore, exercises a wholesome check upon the sexual irritation. When some evil thought disturbs your mind, at once take to Padmasana or Siddhasana and practise Pranayama. The thought will leave you immediately. 6. Satsanga and Svadhyaya : Do not study romantic novels. Do not talk on sexual subjects. Do not keep company with men who indulge in sex. Strive your best to divert your mind and eyes from external objects that prompt sexual desires. Keep company with Sadhus and Sannyasins. Read sublime books such as the Gita, the Upanishads and the Yogavasishtha. Practise Mantra-Japa and Pranayama. 7. Keep the Mind Ever Engaged : Keep the mind fully occupied. You can be established in mental and physical Brahmacharya. I shall give here the routine of work: six hours for sleep (10 p.m. to 4 a.m.); si...

GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. Ch-4-6 - 67 to 78. Ref- Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, Student political wings of certain undesired political parties such as Communists, Congress etc., and supported by department of education of States of Bharatham and defame this holy country by hook or crook!

Opinion                    24/09/2016.                         740                                   All Members,                         Respected family members of this great holy Nation. * Initially, Parents are responsible for the character of Children !             ** Next,  Educational institutions, and Teachers are responsible !!             ***Next, Society is responsible ( TV, ...


Chapter 28 : Evil Vrittis And Their Eradication -3-5-3 & 4. 5. Methods To Control Lust - 3 & 4. 3. Pure Reason  & 4. Sattvic Food 3. Pure Reason : There are two kinds of force in the mind, viz., hostile or antagonistic force and friendly or favourable force. Passion is hostile force that drags you down. Pure reason is a favourable force that elevates you and transmutes you into Divinity. Develop, therefore, my child, pure reason to get unalloyed bliss and supreme Brahmic knowledge. The passion will die itself. 4. Sattvic Food : Take light Sattvic food, such as milk, fruits, etc. You can control passions in this way. The wise say that purity of food leads to purity of mind. Fasting Fasting weakens the sex Indriya. It destroys sexual excitement. Passionate young men and ladies should take recourse to occasional fasting. It will prove highly beneficial. Next :  5. Pranayama, 6. Satsanga and Svadhyaya and 7. Keep the Mind Ever Engaged  SWAMI SIVANANDA  ...

GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. Ch-4-5. 52 to 66. Ref- Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, Student political wings of certain undesired political parties such as Communists, Congress etc., and supported by department of education of States of Bharatham and defame this holy country by hook or crook!

 Opinion                    14/09/2016.                         730                                   All Members,                         Respected family members of this great holy Nation. * Initially, Parents are responsible for the character of Children !             ** Next,  Educational institutions, and Teachers are responsible !!             ***Next, Society is responsibl...


Chapter 28 : Evil Vrittis And Their Eradication -3-5-2.. 5. Methods To Control Lust -2. 2. Vichara and Brahma-Bhavana It is through constant Vichara and Brahma-Bhavana that the mind has to be weaned from lustful thoughts and tendencies. You must remove not only the sexual craving and the sexual impulses, but also sex-attraction. Think of the miseries that you get from a married life with its various entanglements and bondage. Make the mind understand by repeated auto-suggestions and hammering that sexual pleasure is false, worthless, illusory and full of pain. Place before the mind the advantages, bliss, power and knowledge of a spiritual life. Make it understand that the exalted, eternal life is in the immortal Atman. When it hears constantly these useful suggestions, it will slowly leave off its old habits. The attraction for the sex will slowly die. Then only real sex-sublimation will take place. You will become then only an Urdhvaretas. Atman is sexless. There is no s...

GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. Ch-4-4. 43 to 51. Ref- Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, Student political wings of certain undesired political parties such as Communists, Congress etc., and supported by department of education of States of Bharatham and defame this holy country by hook or crook!

Satsangam Opinion                    07/08/2016.                         716.                                   All Members,                         Respected family members of this great holy Nation. * Initially, Parents are responsible for the character of Children !             ** Next,  Educational institutions, and Teachers are responsible !!             ***Next, Society is responsible ( TV...


Chapter 28 : Evil Vrittis And Their Eradication -3-5-1.. 5. Methods To Control Lust -1. Just as you control the itching sensation in an eczematous part of the leg or scabies of the hand, you must control the itching from lust by Viveka, Vichara, Brahma-Bhavana, light Sattvic diet, fasting, Pranayama, Uddiyana, Bandha, Satsanga, study of the Gita, Japa, prayer, etc. Then only can you enjoy spiritual bliss. Next : 2. Vichara and Brahma-Bhavana SWAMI SIVANANDA    To be continued....