Chapter-5.THE THREE AVASTHAS : (f). SUSHUPTI AVASTHA (DEEP SLEEP STATE) : 3. Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya observes that the phenomena of duality caused by the action of the mind are present in the waking and dreaming states only, but absent in deep sleep state. In waking and dreaming states, there is the play of the thoughts (and the simultaneous occurrence of names and forms) and hence the world as well. In dreamless sleep, there are no thoughts; and hence, there is no world too. We taste the nature of absolute bliss in dreamless sleep, where a man is cut off from the distracting world. It is the mind (lower Manas) that creates differences, distinctions, duality and separateness. If this mind is destroyed by increasing the Sattva and Ahangraha Upasana, then you will feel oneness everywhere (Sarvatmabhava). This needs continuous and strenuous efforts on the part of the Sadhakas. Next : (g). DEGREE OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE THREE STATES : Swami Sivana...