MIND : Its Mysteries & Its Control - Chapter-40 : Swami Sivananda


Monday,  03  Jul, 2023. 05:30. 

Chapter 40 -Necessity For A Guru


Chapter 40 :

Necessity For A Guru :

“Learn thou this by prostration, by investigation and by service. The wise, theseers of the essence of things, will instruct thee in wisdom.” (Gita, IV-34)

Guru or a spiritual preceptor is necessary for aspirants. Some do the practice for someyears, independently. Later on, they feel acutely the necessity for a Guru. They comeacross some obstacles on the way. They do not know how to proceed and how to obviate theseimpediments. Then they begin to search for a master. This particularly happens in Yogicpractice.

It is the duty of the Guru to set each of his disciples upon that path of spiritualdevelopment which is best suited to the Chela, one on one path, one on another, accordingto the Guru’s insight into the innate tendency of each.

Isvara is Guru of Gurus. He removes the veil of ignorance and blesses the ignorantJivas. The aspirant should regard his immediate Guru in the physical form as anincarnation of that Guru of Gurus and should have equal devotion to him also. Guru in thephysical form is the main source and embodiment of all good and happiness that can accrueto the Chela. The disciple should realise the supreme necessity of obeying the Guru’scommands and behests and keeping his faith in him unsullied and staunch.

Lay bare to your Guru the secrets of your heart; and the more you do so, the greaterthe sympathy, which means an accession of strength to you in the struggle against sin andtemptation.

Sakti-Sanchara Or Transmission Of Spiritual Power :

Just as you can give an orange to a man and take it back, so also spiritual power canbe transmitted by one to another and taken back also. This method of transmittingspiritual power is termed Sakti-Sanchara. Like birds, fish and tortoise, the transmittingof spiritual power can be done by the Guru through touch or sight or willing, andthinking. The transmitter sometimes enters the astral body of the student and elevates hismind through his power. The operator makes the subject sit in front of him and asks him toclose his eyes and then transmits his spiritual power. The subject feels the electriccurrent actually passing from Muladhara Chakra higher up to the neck and top of the head.He does various Hatha Yogic Kriyas, Asanas, Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras, etc., by himselfwithout any instruction, through inspiration. Here Prakriti works herself. The studentmust not restrain his Iccha-Sakti. He must act according to the inner light. The mind ishighly elevated. The moment the aspirant closes his eyes, meditation comes by itself.Through Sakti-Sanchara, Kundalini is awakened by the grace of the Guru in the disciple.

A spiritual teacher actually transmits his spiritual power to his disciple. A certainspiritual vibration of the Satguru is actually transferred to the mind of the disciple.Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa actually transmitted his spiritual power to Swami Vivekananda.Lord Jesus did the same to his disciples. This is Master’s spiritual touch. A disciple ofSamartha Ramdas transmitted his power to that dancing girl’s daughter who was verypassionate towards him. The disciple gazed at her and gave her Samadhi. Her passionvanished. She became very religious and spiritual. Mukund Rai, a Maharashtra saint, putthe Badshah in Samadhi.

By the Guru’s Grace, the devotee attains the eight-stepped Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga); by theGrace of Lord Siva, he attains perfection in Yoga which is eternal.


Next-Chapter 41 - Hints To Aspirants

To be continued



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