
Showing posts from July, 2023

1.#Opinion : Tuesday, 04 Jul, 2023. 05:30. 3179. /// 1#The Cosmic Mystery - 2 : Swami Krishnananda

========================================================================= 1.#Opinion : Tuesday, 04 Jul, 2023. 05:30. 3179. ///  Philosophy The Cosmic Mystery  -2. ======================================================================= Two powers are said to be ever busy:  The Avarana-Sakti or the veiling power, and the Vikshepa-Sakti or the projecting power. The latter becomes the cause of the creation of the universe from the subtle elements of the gross cosmos. It is this power that, in its cosmic and individual aspects, becomes the medium for the manifestation of Isvara (God) and Jiva (individual), respectively. The Avarana-Sakti veils the difference between the seer and the seen inside, and the difference between Brahman and the universe outside. It is this Sakti that is the cause of Samsara. Empirically, consciousness and its object are different from each other, and the non-perception of this difference is the seed of pain. Metaphysically, the two are one, and the n...

MIND : Its Mysteries & Its Control - Chapter-40 : Swami Sivananda

================================================ Monday,  03  Jul, 2023. 05:30.  Chapter 40 -Necessity For A Guru ========================================================================= Chapter 40 : Necessity For A Guru : “Learn thou this by prostration, by investigation and by service. The wise, theseers of the essence of things, will instruct thee in wisdom.” (Gita, IV-34) Guru or a spiritual preceptor is necessary for aspirants. Some do the practice for someyears, independently. Later on, they feel acutely the necessity for a Guru. They comeacross some obstacles on the way. They do not know how to proceed and how to obviate theseimpediments. Then they begin to search for a master. This particularly happens in Yogicpractice. It is the duty of the Guru to set each of his disciples upon that path of spiritualdevelopment which is best suited to the Chela, one on one path, one on another, accordingto the Guru’s insight into the innate tendency of each. Isvara is Guru of G...