MIND : Its Mysteries & Its Control - Chapter-37 . Continued , Swami Sivananda.


Friday, March 17, 2023. 06:00. 



13.The Dawn Of Jnana :

Just as you know the flowering of mango trees that you will get mango fruits shortly,so also you can know that you will get Abheda-Jnana (knowledge of identity of Atman and Paramatman) when the flower of Santi blossoms in your mind.

Just as the six tastes-sourness, bitterness, astringency, sweetness, saltishness and pungent-are rendered full and enjoyed completely only when the Saktis of tastes and the mind join together, so also the plenum (All-full Brahman) arises when all these articles of worship as contentment, equal vision, etc., are combined with Santi (sweet patience or quiescence of mind).

Santi or peace of mind is of two kinds-Sadharana Santi (ordinary peace) and Prama Santi (supreme peace). Ordinary Santi comes when the Vrittis (modifications in the mind)are controlled and the Vikshepa (tossing of mind) is removed. Parama Santi manifests when you get Jnana (Knowledge of Brahman or the Absolute).

14.Description Of The Jnana State :

The Jnana state is a state very difficult to be comprehended. It is a tremendously highstate wherein all the Tattvas drop by themselves and Chidakasa only-like the vast,infinite ocean of ‘Vyoma’ or ‘ethereal space’ or ‘Gagana’-shines by itself. It is the state of pure knowledge which transcends the pleasures of natural scenery and beauties.The beauties of pleasure-gardens, rivers, lakes, snow-clad mountains, green forests, etc.,are the creations of Maya. It veils our eyes and prevents us from experiencing the infinite Sahaja (natural) beauty of Atman. The melodious music of birds is also a creation of Maya. It prevents us from hearing the natural Nada of OM-the sweetest Pranava Dhvani.That Nirvana state which transcends all nature is Jnana state.

Jnana-Mouna is that state wherein the mind remains merged in Brahman or Atman or Svarupa. In this state, there is not the slightest trace of the notion of’I.’ As there is no mental activity and as there is no doer, all the Karmas are burnt in the Jnanagni (fireof wisdom). The Jiva feels that he is entirely different from the five Koshas or sheaths,as he identifies himself with the Atman.

In Jnana (Absolute), there is neither East nor West, neither dawning nor setting,neither increase nor decrease, neither sitting nor standing, neither life nor death,neither waking consciousness nor dream state, neither talking nor lecturing, neither thinking nor knowing, neither light nor darkness. The three-actor (Karta), action (Karma)and instrument (Karana)- will shine as one in the Self of Jnanis. What an exalted state itis! It is simply marvellous. It is wonderful. One becomes speechless. It can never be adequately described in words.

I sat on Padmasana. I meditated on Atman. I forgot myself and the surroundings. I saw something which I had never seen upto this time. I heard a Nada which I had never heard upto this time. There was a sensation and knowledge that I was absolutely free from allsorts of attachment. I had an experience of new knowledge. The thought of Atman continued for some time. I had a novel experience of pure bliss. It is a void full of Light and Knowledge and Bliss free from vicissitudes of this world.

When the Self is once recognised and realised, it can never be forgotten. The Impression of the recognition of the Self, if once made, can never be obliterated from the mind. It sticks to the mind always.

15.Mukti :

Mukti is for the mind only. Mukti is for Prakriti. It is not for the Jiva. Jiva is already Brahman. Jiva is ever free. He is identical with Brahman. When the water dries up,the reflection of the sun in water also vanishes. Even so, when the mind-lake dries up by extirpation of all Sankalpas and Vasanas, the reflection of intelligence, Chidabhasa inthe mind-lake, also vanishes. The name Jivatman disappears. Ego goes away.


Chapter 38
The Mind In A Jivanmukta



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