GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. Ch-3 - 13- 99 to 105. Ref- Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, Student political wings of certain undesired political parties such as Communists, Congress etc., and supported by department of education of States of Bharatham and defame this holy country by hook or crook!

Satsangam-Chinmaya Mission-Dubai-UAE.


              All Members,
             Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

            * Initially, Parents are responsible for the character of Children !
            ** Next,  Educational institutions, and Teachers are responsible !!
            ***Next, Society is responsible ( TV, MOVIES, etc., )
            **** Overall, State and Central Governments are responsible !!!
            ***** Politics & Political parties have no roll and  should be avoided!!!!
    Sub : GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. :  For Children - Ch-3- 13-99 to 105.
   Swami Sivananda
  Ref :  The present day student unions backed by Communists  and  Congress,  the  twin  cursed  political  parties  of  this  Holy  Nation, it  is  necessary  to  eliminate  these  dirty  parties  because  of  their  Anti National  activities  such  as  defaming  the  Upanishadic Culture  and  Sanatana  Dharma......

       Chapter -3. THE DEVELOPMENT OF GURU-BHAKTI- 13-99 to 105.
13. Offerings to the Guru -99 To 105.

99. Mantra-initiation is done by the Guru after the Sadhaka is well-fitted with all the virtues of Sadhana-Chatushtaya. Otherwise the initiation will not be of much use. 

100. In ancient days disciple should approach preceptor with the Samit in his hands. Samit is the symbol of self-dedication and surrender to the Lotus-Feet of Guru.

101. “Here is the bundle of my Karmas. You burn it.” This is implied in the Sishya’s approaching the Guru with Samits in hands. The outward meaning is that Rishis used to perform Agnihotra and this symbolises service of the Guru in the form bringing fire-wood for sacrifice. 

102. Spiritual Realisation is the result of supreme devotion to Guru. 

103. You will find in the Manu Smriti: “Let the students ever engage in the study of Vedas and during services to the preceptor with full faith and devotion. Let the student refrain from wines, meats, perfumes, scents, women, tasty dishes, and from injury to sentient creatures and lust, anger, greed, dancing, singing and playing on musical instruments, dyes, playing, gossiping, slander, too much sleeping and untruth.” 

104. In ancient days the life of discipleship starts with Upanayana ceremony. 

105. A disciple should mould his character properly under the guidance of the Guru who is the abode of virtues and Knowledge. 

Next : Chapter : 4 - CULTIVATION OF GURU-BHAKTI - 1.
1. Articles of worship 
 Thank you for reading
   To be continued   ...


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