IDEALISM : For Children - 6.4. : - Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents / Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, political wings of certain undesired political parties of Bharatham!




All Members,

 Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

* Initially, Parents are responsible for the character of Children !

** Next,  Educational institutions, and Teachers are responsible !!

***Next, Society is responsible ( TV, MOVIES, etc., )

**** Overall, State and Central Governments are responsible !!!

***** Politics & Political parties have no roll and  should be avoided!!!!

Sub : IDEALISM  :  For Children - 6.4
Sri Swami Chidananda

Ref :  Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents / Teachers  supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, political wings of certain undesired  political parties of  Bharatham ...

 (Talk given at Sri Samadhi Mandir on 22/5/94)


For this great prayer tells us what we should ask for from the Supreme Being, what we should strive for by our own effort, for what we should appeal from the
Supreme Being, pray to Him, and what we should live for.

It gives us in these three lines the key to the life sublime, the secret of spiritual unfoldment and gives us an ideal to live by.

It tells us the way our ancient men of wisdom saw the human family on planet earth, saw life.

They said that it should be an ascent from darkness to light; it should be an ascent from unreality to Reality; it should be an ascent from this body-bound consciousness to the infinite eternal consciousness, God Consciousness.

That is what life should be.

Knowing this to be the real life, we must try to make our life an ascent towards the great Reality, towards the light of wisdom and towards immortality.

For, we are the children of Immortality.

We are created out of that great Reality or Truth.

"Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti" (Truth is one, but is spoken of in many ways).

That ‘Sat’, that Reality, is our origin.

Therefore, this concept should throb in the hearts of you all.

This concept should fire the minds of you all and pervade your thoughts and your daily life.

Every morning when you wake up, you must say,

“Today I must proceed still further in this process of banishing the darkness of Maya, Avidya, and move towards the brilliant light of Vidya, Jnana”.

Thank you for reading


To be continued  ..


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