GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. 1.4: - Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents / Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, political wings of certain undesired political parties of Bharatham.


     All Members,
       Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

      * Initially, Parents are responsible for the character of Children !
      ** Next,  Educational institutions, and Teachers are responsible !!
      ***Next, Society is responsible ( TV, MOVIES, etc., )
      **** Overall, State and Central Governments are responsible !!!
      ***** Politics & Political parties have no roll and  should be avoided!!!!

  Sub : GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. :  For Children - 1.4.
 Sri Swami Sivananda

    Ref :  Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents / Teachers  supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, political wings of certain undesired  political parties of  Bharatham ...

 1. Introduction : -4.

The Conscience of an African Negro speaks in a manner quite different from the one in which the conscience of an ethically developed Yogi of India does.

The sense of duty ingrained in a clerk, a car-driver, a scavenger, a collector and a king is not the same.
There are ten different consciences in ten different persons brought up in ten different conditions.

Virochana thought for himself, took guidance from his conscience, enquired for himself and came to the conclusion that body is the ultimate self.
It should be remembered that the human consciousness is entangled in animal instincts, emotions and gross desires.

The tendency of the mind of man is to move in this direction of sense and ego, and not towards higher knowledge.
A complete surrender of personality to the Guru who is endowed with the highest realisation avoids such pitfalls on the path of Sadhana and takes the aspirant safely to the light that shines beyond the darkness of Samsara.

Human reason and human conscience act in the manner in which they are trained, and as ordinarily they are accustomed to function in accordance with the laws of the appearance of the world and the objects of sense and of the cravings and the ambitions of the ego, they cannot be expected to take one spontaneously to the higher realms of spiritual knowledge.

Thank you for reading
    To be continued  ..



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