Chapter 20 Vasanas :5.2.

5. How To Destroy Vasanas.2.

2.Dama :

The attack should commence from outside also. Bahyavritti-Nigraha should be done through Dama (restraint of the Indriyas).

You must not allow sense-vibrations to enter from outside into the mind through the avenues of Indriyas.

This is also necessary. Sama alone is not sufficient. The senses must be rendered blunt by Dama.

The Vasana for sweets, for instance, should be destroyed by Sama through Vasana-Tyaga, by crushing the Vasanas within as soon as a desire arises; and the Bahyavritti, which arises by the sight of sweetmeat should be destroyed by withdrawing the eyes from the same when you move about the bazaar and by giving up taking sugar.

Dama supplements Sama in the control of mind. Dama is an auxiliary for the complete eradication of Vasanas.

If you give up an old habit of taking tea, you have controlled to a certain extent the sense of taste. You have destroyed one Vasana.

This will give you some peace, because the craving for tea has gone and you are freed from your efforts and thinking in getting tea, sugar, milk, etc.

Thinking is pain, seeing is pain, hearing is pain for a philosopher and a Sadhaka. It is all pleasure for a worldling.

The energy that was agitating you to run after tea is now transmuted into will. You gain peace and will-power by giving up one thing.

If you give up fifteen things, your peace of mind will be still greater and the will still more powerful. This is the fruit of Tyaga. So, you are not a loser in Tyaga.

You gain more knowledge, more bliss and more power. You give up something in favour of something higher.

Is there anyone who will not give up black sugar in favour of white sugar?

If you once control one Vasana, it will be easy for you to control other Vasanas too, because you gain strength and power.

Next : 3. Svadhyaya and Meditation

Swami Sivananda
To be continued  ....


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