This social injustice (cruelty) among the citizens --"The Caste System."




Sub : - India Government's Reservation  Policy :

Ref : - Media Reports :-

1. RSS wants reexamining and restructuring of the Policy .

2. BJP says not necessary.

3. First Mohan Bhagwat, now Manish Tewari: Cong leader questions relevance of reservation

4. "Notwithstanding whatever Bhagwat has articulated, the time has come to revisit the premise as to whether reservation is at all contextual in the 21st century. And if at all it is contextual, then should the basis of reservation be economic as poverty is the biggest indice of backwawrdness?" Tewari said.

All Members,

Respected family members of this great holy Nation.
My View Points


 Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch-4. ( Jnana karma sanyasa yogam ). Slo-13.

"Caturvarnniyam   maya   srushtam   guna  karma   vibhagacsah

Tasya  karttaramapi   mam   viddhi   akarattara   avyayam."

Guna karma vibhagacsah = According to guna, karma nature,

catur varnniyam = Four varnas (colours),

Maya srushtam = Created by me,

Tasya karttaram api = Though kartha of that,

Avyayam mam = Emotionless me,

Akarttaram viddhi = Know me that, I don't have karttyatvam ( doer).

This slokam was wrongly interpreted since the middle ages by those who are in favour of this social injustice (cruelty) among the citizens --"The Caste System."

In Yoga Sastram [ Science of Yoga ( not mean yogasana) ] Trigunas ( Satva, Rajas and Tamas ) are given colours. They are : White for satvam, Red for rajas, Black for tamas.

Human beings are the sum of Cittavrutti : (Vasanas + more negative, less positive thoughts). From distance the word "thought" looks alike, but it is not, a clear diversity is there, because in each Individual, the mind is different & independent.

Based on the diversity of Cittavrutti the complete human race, for study purpose, is separated into four colours (Varnnas)/ groups, depending upon their diversity in Cittavrutti.

At present on the basis of professions, we differentiate people, into Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Policemen, Priests, Mechanics, Nurses, Traders, Cleaners, Barbers, Blacksmiths, casual labours .......and so on.

According to rule book of the Governments all of these professions are equal in status because they are essential and important to the society, and live harmoniously depending each other.

But in the Middle Ages when power politics had high hand, became stronger, initiated the unhealthy separatism in thoughts raised head, which later given route/root to "The Dirty/Cruel Caste System"

The dishonest Pundits (taught) powerful priests class, Brahmana’s (Brahmins) interpreted this slokam partially and exploited the ignorant ordinary citizens.

The decayed priests class/the system( mainly held by Brahmans), misused their status for their own selfish motives and superiority, put preasure on this caste system by helping themselves, misquoting this slokam part "Catur Varnniyam Maya Srushtam" - they said that this has Lord's Authentication, thus this line in the slokam misused conveniently.

The Hindus (Ancient citizens of Bharatham) suffered under this, the Brahmans in major part and Kshatriyas the rulers seconded their thoughts. These power full groups are the greatest curse to this country since long, long ago, against the will of Lord Sri Krishna.

But Vyasa Maharishi who authored Mahabharatham, Srimad Bhagavadgeeta, and Srimad Bhagavatam and several puranas----- in the same slokam mentions the basis of professions: the pandits,priests, brahmanas intentionally hidden this part of the slokam-"Guna -Karma- Vibhagah"


Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Ch--14- ( Guna-traya-vibhaga-yogam ).  slo- 10 to 13.

Sattvam :

1. Lord Krishna states that sattva or the mode of goodness being transparent, stainlesss, and luminous is free from the propensity for evil and thus is serene. Yet being serene binds the jivas or embodied beings as well by attachment to its effect of happiness. As well being luminous binds the jivas by attachment to its effect of knowledge. The understanding is that the happiness one feels and the knowledge one has achieved gives one the corresponding mental states of I am happy and I am wise respectively and gives rise to the jiva identifying themselves with the temporary physical body and not with the atma or immortal soul.

2.One can recognise the presence of the three gunas or modes of material nature by their productive effects. Lord Krishna states that when the gates of the physical body which are the senses such as the eyes and ears, etc. by which one perceives light and sound achieve a sense of dispassion and discerment then arise s the light of true perception and it symbolises that sattva guna or the mode of goodness is predominant based on its feeling of well being and happiness.

Rajas :

1. Lord Krishna explains that the mode of passion is known as rajas and is the cause of sexual desires known as carnal lust. From rajas arises trishna which is desire for all forms of sensual enjoyments through the medium of the senses such as seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling. Also arising from rajas is sanga or desire to be in the association of family, friends and loved ones. Thus rajas encourages desires and promotes activities to enjoy such desires which binds one to the reactions of merits or demerits and keeps the jiva or embodied being incessantly revolving in samsara or the perpetual cycle of birth and death. This propensity for constantly performing actions is inherent and also causes the jiva to take birth at a specific place with a particular body suitable to enjoy the rewards of previous actions. Hence by instigating the desire for performing works one is kept in bondage. In this way rajas is known to be the root cause of lust, sensual desires and attachment.

2. Now Lord Krishna speaks of the indications of the qualities of raja guna or the mode of passion. Underlying the preponderance of passion is lobhah or greed which is the desire to always acquire more even if not needed. The motivating force is activity for increasing self interests. The mentality is after I acquire this, I will acquire that and so forth and so on. There is an incessant impulse to do and an obsession to enjoy every object. So by lobhah it can be understood that one is controlled by raja guna.

Tamas :

1. The binding nature of tamas or mode of ignorance and its characteristics are now stated by Lord Krishna. The word tamas means darkness and is arises from that part of prakriti or the material substratum that pervades physical existence, that possesses the power of mohanam being that which deludes into illusion, concealing the true perception. This power has the ability to confound and bewilder all jivas or embodied beings. Hence tamas binds imperiously the jivas through pramada or madness, alasya or indolence and nidrabhis or sleep. Pramada can also includes listlessness and mental fragmentation. Alasya can also include laziness and dullness and nidrabhis can also include inaction of the mind due to inebriation or exhaustion.

2. Lord Krishna confirms that tamo guna or mode of ignorance is darkness of knowledge, absence of discrimination, indolence, listlessness, forgetfulness, delusion, erroneous conclusions. Where such characteristics are seen it is clear that tamo guna is predominant within a jiva or embodied being.

Guna's Origination in us :

All the three gunas being sattva guna or mode of goodness, raja guna or mode of passiion and tama guna or mode of ignorance originate from past karma which are reactions to actions from previous lives whose results are known as adrishta. When sattva guna is dominant it overpowers the effects of rajas and tamas and in this way sattva binds the jiva or embodied being exclusively to its effects of happiness and pursuit of knowledge. When raja guna is dominant it overpowers sattva and tamas and binds the jiva to its effects of desire and activity and when tamo guna is dominant it overpowers sattva and rajas and binds the jiva by its effects of inertia and indolence.

How the varnas formed with respect to in born guna's :

Lord Krishna is the origin of the four classifications in Vedic culture as spoken here. Those of sattva guna or the mode of goodness are designated as Brahmins or priestly class. Those of mixed sattva guna and rajas guna or the mode of passion are known as ksatriyas or warrior class. Those mixed with rajas guna and tama guna or the mode of ignorance are the vaisyas or mercantile class and those in tama guna are the sudras or servant class. The actions of Lord always possess shama or tranquillity and dama or self- control in their performance thus even if He appears to do nothing He is the performer and if He appears to be the performer He is the non- performer of His actions. Even though He is the origin of the entire creation He has no desires and remains unattached. Thus it has been perceived that those who perform actions without desires, unattached to rewards have developed an attribute of the Lord.

Lord explains how is detached and non-doer of these  varnas :  ( Second line of the slokam ) -

Certainly Ocean may claim that it is the karta (doer/creator) of waves and foams, Gold may also claim that it is the creator of ornaments, because when gold removed then where the existence of ornaments.

But as Paramatma ( Lord, Truth, Supreme, Reality, Brahmam, God, and Infinite --------), is Omnipotent, Omnipresent: then it is Right/ correct  to say that the supreme may not take part in any karma. Hence Lord SriKrishna declares that "Even though Iam the kartha of this (CaturVarnniyam), Iam also Akartha( Non-Doer)

This type of Duel Declarations (contradictory), are common in Vedanta, those who are not used to the Vedanta's ways and methods of study may become confused.

Bus or Train journey, movements of the vehicles are superimposed on us, we say that we reached here by them though they (the tellers are sitting in those vehicles; movement is done by not the Sayers but by vehicles).

Likewise though many active inventions, creative works, are done by thoughts of the mind and intelligence we usually say everything done by Lord's blessings. As the Lord is within us, Omnipresent, Truly Paramatma ( Lord) is neither Doer nor Creator (Karta/Akartaa).

Paramatma is the reflection of Paramatma only through the medium of Avidya ( Maya). This medium has three gunas. Kama (desire), Sangalppam ( Vicharam or thoughts), and Karma ( action) are the diverse forms function in our body. For these things if there is no relationship or connection with Paramatma then the Prapancham (world/ universe/everything) will not exists.

The source of this Prapancham Lord Sri Krishna: who is ever-present as Atma Chaithanyam (Jeevatma) Says "I am the Kartha ( Doer ) and Akartha ( non-doer).

Reexamination :


2. Disallow adding caste name with individual's name.

3. All  recruitment/selection /enrollment / employment /  admission must be strictly on merit basis.

4. Stop all caste based financial help to any body.

5. Financially weak, below poverty line, given support by scholarships, for education, on merit basis only.

6. All other must be low interest loans  and  with repayment capacity.

7. In Kerala BPL section is almost nil, to check visit any wedding of sc/st/backward/minority sections.

8. In Kerala wages are high with 100% indiscipline labour, less output, to any work done has to find any migrated labour from other states of India.

9.   Present Bharatham is in slumber and thoughtless caste system still exists (which was human mischief) and all sorts of political blunders continued compartmentalizing citizens in many camps decaying our culture with the Governments taking advantages in the form of votes.

10. It is very urgent to restructure the policy.

Thank you for reading :

 Next : With another topic


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