The Nature of the Mind : 4.


Just as a silk-worm is caught in its own cocoon, so also man is caught in this vast net of Samsara by his own Sankalpas and Vasanas.

The conception that the prison of life of the individual is self-built is brought out by the example of the self-imprisoning of the silkworm with its cocoon which it itself winds around its body. Further escape from the jail becomes difficult.

The Jiva winds round itself the cocoon of love for separation from the Eternal Truth through the positive act of being untrue to itself.

It is a self-deception, a self-blasphemy, a self-slaughter that is done by allowing oneself to fall into lower Yonis or degraded conditions of existence.

It is real suicide, because it is killing the consciousness of the true Self.

Negation of Truth is the faithfulness towards something other than Truth, and that something is obviously untruth.

He who catches the unreal by discarding the Real is involved in the horrifying wheel of Samsara and once the Jiva is caught within the clutches of this turning wheel there is no easy hope of its near freedom.

The Moksha Gita

by Swami Sivananda

Commentary by Swami Krishnananda

To be continued ...


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