The Secret of Being Happy : 1.

The nature of the Absolute is incomprehensible to the mind, which is another way of saying that Truth is incomprehensible and impossible to contain in the mind of a human being. We fail in our lives, whatever be our walk of life. We cannot contain the essence of the matter in the form it takes.

Our minds are so constituted that they can visualise and conceive only forms, but not the substance of the form or the essence behind the form. Just as when we look at a person we cannot see their soul or intelligence and behold only their body, their external behaviour and conduct, the Absolute principle hidden behind the things of the world cannot be cognised and appreciated by the mind.

Due to this difficulty we mistake the form for the content, and exhaust reality in our frail attempts when we mistake the particular, the discreet, the separated and the objective for the unlimited or the infinite.

All wonderful things in the world take place suddenly. They do not come with premeditation or a notice given to us some years before. Any miraculous event, for better or worse, takes place suddenly. There is sudden death, sudden catastrophe, sudden cataclysm, sudden rainfall, sudden earthquake, and so on; they elude the grasp of the mind, which is accustomed to thinking in terms of calculation. Truth is super-calculative. It does not come under the mathematical logic of the human mind.

There is only one thing which cannot be measured through arithmetical or mathematical rules; that is Truth. It has no length and breadth, no depth, no size, no shape, and yet it is the only reality. That which is the Supreme Reality is incapable of measurement through the yardstick of human understanding, and yet we want to measure it with our own measuring chains, foot rulers, etc., and want to limit it to this comprehensive structure of our limited mind.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued  ...


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