1: The Arduous Task of Self-Analysis : 1.

During these days of Sadhana Week we are here especially to reinforce into our minds the ideas and values which are supposed to help us in living the life that we are expected to live in this world. The world blows like a wind, as a strong cyclone caring not for what it sweeps away by cutting the very ground from under people’s feet. That persons and things in the world are like wisps of straw driven by the power of the winds of the world is a truth which will not always occur to our mind as we get accustomed to be driven in this manner. A perpetual slave will not be aware that he is a slave, because he is used to that kind of living. We as human beings actually live the life of puppets, but inasmuch as we are used to this way of living right from our childhood, we may mistake this utter slavery to the subjection to the powers of nature for a sort of independence in our own selves. Hence, it becomes necessary that we take stock of our achievements and the expectations that we may hope for in our life by a sort of self-analysis, and also an analysis of the circumstances and conditions in which we are living here. The life that can be called intelligent should be capable of an assessment which is in conformity with the truths of life as they are.

What do we see in this world, and what is the kind of experience that we are passing through every day? We cannot see God anywhere here, and we also cannot see religion and spirituality. When you open your eyes, it is not religion that you are seeing. You are seeing something painful, something that takes you aback, that makes you shudder in your heart and keeps you in a state of anxiety even about the next day itself. It is an obvious truth open to the hearts of everyone that our lives are not as secure as they are made to appear on the surface. No one sleeps with a confident heart of the conditions of tomorrow in one’s life. Man suspects man and intrigues against his own brother and, with a smile on his lips, secretly manoeuvres to cut the throat of even his own neighbour. Man has turned out to be a shrewd politician and a ruthless, selfish individual. Whatever be the number of times he may frequent the church or the temple, whatever be the scriptures that he may read and the number of times he may roll the beads, he has not ceased to be what he is. He shows his true colours when the time for it comes.

To be continued  ....


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