Purification of Mind :

Spiritual sadhana is not a hectic activity of the physical personality or the social individual; it is a spiritual retransformation of the very consciousness which we really are. It is difficult to conceive what spiritual sadhana is. Though we advertise it, print books on it, and talk about it to others, it has not really entered our spirit, and so we are still weeping. Our weeping has not stopped. It is necessary, therefore, to reinterpret ourselves, understand our situaiton once again in a proper form and perspective, and stand undaunted, confident and perspicuous in our understanding. Can any of us believe that we are in the very presence of God just now? But, this is the fact.

It is therefore imperative for us to reconsider our position in this world, to reconsider our relationships to other people and things, and reconsider the very meaning of sadhana. If the Truth is properly grasped, we should regard ourselves as thrice blessed. It is a hard thing to understand, and is very difficult to absorb into our feelings and emotions. Though our intellect may appreciate it and come to a sort of logical conviction, the feelings will not retain it for more than a few seconds because of the human and the temporal conditions into which our consciousness seems to have fallen, by which it is conditioned and in which it is involved. We have to raise ourselves from this mire of limiting sentiments and emotions, which are merely a state of human consciousness, and raise ourselves to a higher pedestal of appreciation, understanding and meditation. We have to truly become spiritual seekers. We must be capable of smiling always and never be melancholy and depressed. That would be the stuff of a spiritual sadhaka. May this message enter us. May God bless us.


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