Peace of mind :3.

Again I tell you, look at that wonderful Viratsvarupa, the cosmic consciousness, the description that we have in the eleventh chapter of the Bhagavadgita. Was any dirty thing there? If the cosmic consciousness – the universe which presented itself before Arjuna – did not have any dirty thing, ugly thing or unwanted thing, from where have these unwanted things come now before your eyes? You are the creator of the problems of life – nobody else – and you are not prepared to accept it because of the egoism that is so hard, flint-like, which says, "I am what I am, and I am right! And everybody has to follow what I think." If everybody started asserting in this manner, there would be a social rift and warfare immediately following.

You should consider yourself as very blessed that you can think like this. You should consider yourself as blessed because you know where your blessedness lies. It is with you – the you that is inseparably connected to the creation as a whole. So, peace is in the cosmos, it is in God, it is in all the forms of wholeness that you can think of. Your blessedness, your peace, your joy, your satisfaction lies in the extent to which you can adjust the dimension of your consciousness to that which you wrongly consider as outside you. Make it your own. Make the atmosphere your own. Make that which you see outside you your own, so that you think as the thing thinks and not as you, in your own individual capacity, think. When you see an object, try to think as the object thinks, not as you think it. Turn the tables round; let the object become the subject. If you assert yourself in that way, in a minute you will find that you are transported into a world which is beyond yourself.



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