Truth is a centre :

Truth is a centre; let us remember it again for the purpose of our meditation. Satya or truth is a centre which is in us, which is in others, which is in other objects, and it is non-externalisable; it cannot be externalised. Therefore, it is not possible to see this centre through the senses. We cannot see the centre of another person, because the moment we begin to see it, it has become an object. 

Just as we cannot see our own centre as an object, we cannot see the other centre as an object. But when we begin to see the centre of other things in the same way as we comprehend our centre, that would be to really appreciate other people and things. Then the war ceases. 

There will be no Mahabharata or Ramayana afterwards. A new revelation will supervene; a flood of light will be thrown on our existence in such a way that existence itself would become consciousness. Sat becomes Chit. Our centre is our existence ultimate, and this ultimate existence and centre is that which is the existence and centre of others also, indivisibly connected with us – indivisibly connected, not externally related. This is the Satta or the Pure Existence of things, the knowledge of which, or illumination of which, is the Realisation of God.



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