When we Observe Thoughts in Awareness ,we know that all the comfort we seek in this world is actually comfort of thought , comfort in thought,because experience of anything of comfort is actually is in the form of thought,hence our choice of comfort in thought remains prone to discomfort at any timebecause thought and mind never remain the same,they are full of change,it is their nature to change.

 The thought of discomfort also belongs to the same category,even the discomfort we feel due to things is actually the discomfort at the thought level,if we can steadily,look at the thought of discomfort with awareness, in awareness,as awareness, the discomfort vanishes,disappears, because in Awareness there is no room , space , for discomfort to exist, infact there is no room for thought to exist, just Awareness remains as Awareness in Awareness.

 Our Nature is Awareness, hence not to remain in Awareness, not to chose Awareness, and to chose comforts in the world,to chose comfort of thought, in thought is the Mistake we commit,one can never fine true ,permanent,Real comfort in thought.

 In Divine thoughts of higer purity there is Sanctity,which purifies us,helps us to experience and enjoy the Glory of Divinity ,this itself is a great achievement of Life,in fact the Only real ,worthy Achievement in life. Even greater than this is the Attainment of one’s Own Higher Nature, which is Awareness,which is actually Pure Consciousness.

 Be Aware of thoughts ,and be Conscious of the one who is aware of the thoughts,be Aware, and be Conscious of Awareness,remain in Pure Consciousness,and it is different from Supreme Consciousness and it is nothing but your Inner –Higher Nature.

Swami Chidatmananda 

(Disciple of Swami Chinmayananda)


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