"May I become Superior among the Rich"-1



1. The meaning of this heading: "Let me not only be a mere mule carrying the weight of gold, but an intelligent master of fortune who is able to bless the world with the riches that have come to me through the Grace of the Lord.



2. In so doing, he becomes, in fact superior to those who are wealthier than himself. Wealth in itself is no mark of nobility or glory to man. It becomes so only when he comes to serve the society, and there by himself, with his wealth.



3. Therefore, when a true Hindu acquires wealth to spend it in maintaining seekers during their stay with him, indeed, the wealth is spent in the right direction, and the culture of the land maintained and preserved thereby.   


Taittiriya Upanishad: Chapter-1 ( Siksha Valli),  Section-4 ( Necessity of Intelligence and Wealth), Mantram-3.    


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