"Intelligent, imperishable, undecaying am I": The final expression by Rshi Trisanku-5.


1. To every one of us the finite alone is the land of our known experience.


2. We all know that the finite world of matter is inert, perishable, decaying, and therefore, using opposite words, such as, Intelligent, Imperishable, and Undecaying, Rishi Trisanku is helping to convey to us the 'otherness' of the Infinite  from what we know and experience in ourselves at present--- in our ego-centric mis-understandings.


3. In order to show this Infinite, all that the Rishi can do is, as it were, to stand at the frontiers of the finite and, with a pointing finger, indicate the Infinite in the language of contrast.


4. Hence the final explosive expression by which the choking experience in the bosom of the great Rishi seems to burst out in expressing his lived bliss of Perfection.


5. Hence the declaration "Intelligent, Imperishable, Undecaying am I,"


6. To remember, thus, our Real Nature, as lived and experienced by Rishi Trisanku, is the most efficacious technique in turning ourselves to the highest purity and to the greatest sense of detachment from the false values.


7. When an individual recites this mantram with sincerity, faith and conviction, it is evident that the will gain a sufficient amount of inward poise, and tranquillity--- which are surely necessary for gaining study of the scriptures daily.


8. Mantram :

Aham ( 'I'),  vrksasya  ( of the tree), rerive ( stimulator ),  

Kirtih  ( fame or glory ), prstham ( peak ), gireriva = gireh ( of the mountain); eva ( like), 

Uradhva-Pavitrah ( high and pure am I ), vajini ( the essence in the sun),  eva ( like ), smrtam ( the excellent, immortal being ), asmi ( am I ),

Dravinagm  ( power and wealth ), savarcasam ( effulgent with intuition ),

Sumeddhah intelligent ), amrtah ( the imperishable ), aksitah ( the undecaying am I),


Iti ( thus ), trisankoh ( of the Rishi Trisanku ), vedanu-vacanam ( the sacred recitation).



Taittiriya Upanishad: Chapter-1 ( Siksa Valli ), Section-x ( sacred recitation of Trisanku after realisation ), Mantram-1.  



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