"I am the Power and Wealth-4."




Note: Please connect parts1, 2, 3, with this 4th part..



1. The sceptic cannot, and will not understand the benefits accrued by such a realisation, since, to him life without contentions is profitless.


2. There are people amidst us, according to whom life has a meaning, and a purpose only so long as we have a fair chance of reaping our moans of the morning hours, hated thoughts of the mid-day hours, and chances of fighting tooth and nail all through the evenings!


3. They cannot appreciate, nor can they live the quieter joys of the pregnant moments of peace, or of the tranquillity of the inner poetry, or of listening to the warbling notes of joy and cheer, that come out from the bosom that is at rest, from a soul that is at peace with itself.


4. As an answer to such gross creatures who may suspect the futility of this consummation of evolution, the Rishi Trisanku, declares 'I am the power and wealth.'


5. Ordinarily in life, a man is constantly struggling to acquire wealth, and having become wealthy, we find that the rich man is not contented unless he can purchase power with his wealth.( Rishi visualise the present era about 5000-10000, years back)


7. Understanding this fundamental weakness in man, Rishi Trisanku, rightly declares that to know ourselves, to compete our rediscovery, to realise our divine nature, to live as the God in ourselves, is the only harbour wherein the frail mind shall no more be expressed to the storms of contentions and the surging waves of  desires for wealth or temptations for power.


8. To realise and live as the vitaliser behind the 'Tree of entire Universe' is to realise at once the wealth, power, joy and perfection that is enjoyed and experienced by every living creature at all times ( past, present, and future ) and all places--all at once.


Taittiriya Upanishad : Chapter-1, Section-10, Mantram-1.

will be contd....next...     


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