"Golden Chord"- Natures Laws: Ends.




1. Behind the phenomenon of nature there is a Divine law giver who strictly executes the law---



2. He, ever standing, as it were, just behind nature with a raised whip, threatening them with total annihilation at the simplest disobedience.



3. This idea is brought  out by the Sruthi in order to establish the Supermacy of the Spirit over the matter, and also its dynamism conclusively proves that this Spirit is not a non-entity, but an existent Reality which can be courted and experienced as full Bliss ( Paramandham), Omnipotence and Omniscience.



4. The Truth indicated earlier as "Satyam, Jnanam, Anantam,"though invisible, incorporeal, undefined, and abodeless, is the  source of all dynamic life and an Existent Principle.



5. Five main observations are made here by the Sruthi, such as (a). the movement of air, (b).  the rising of the sun, (c). the heat of the fire, (d). the light of the moon and fifthly, (e). the very principle of decay and death that sustains the perishable nature of a finite world, called death.



6. All of them indicate that the entire phenomenal world is not a haphazard idle dream of a mad man, but it is an intelligent scheme ordered  by a Dynamic Divine Power which executes its will very strictly and fully through Its established Laws of behaviour and reaction.



7.  He who rediscovers the spiritual centre becomes fearless because he thereby becomes the very Truth, whose dictatorial sovereignty is irrevocable sanction behind Nature's Laws. 





Taittiriya Upanishad: Chapter-2 ( Brahmananda Valli), Section-8 (Brahmananda-the Supreme Bliss), Mantram-1&2. 





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