"Golden Chord-1"

1. There is a silent rhythm seen imperceptibly  running through the endless variety of confusing movements.



2. Seasons, similarly, follow one after the another rhythmically.



3. Each object in the universe strictly conforms itself to its own nature.



4. There are natural laws which strictly follow all scientific observations.



5. The sun is never dark; the moon is never hot; fire is never cold!



6. A cow begets no lion; a tigress begets no bird.



7. The innumerable laws of instincts and emotions, observed among the vegetables animals and human lives are all strictly pursued everywhere in nature.



8. A law is always promulgated by a law giver, and wherever we find strict adherence to the law, it is because of fear of the law giver.



9. Similarly, if in nature we find the natural laws are irrevocably declared and strictly followed.



10. Taittiriya Upanishad: Chapter-2 ( Brahmananda Valli), Section-8 (Brahmananda- the Supreme Bliss), Mantram-1.( Law giver)





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