"Every Saint has a Past; every Sinner a Future"-2.

1. In order to become thus pure in living, the individual must gasin a clean and divine heart, and the method by which one can purify oneself and keep that bright shine in the inner world is now discussed.



2. Sin is that which covers the true effulgence of the soul. In Sastras sin is not considered as some positive blemish, but only as a mistake in judgement; it is not the commission of an injustice, but an omission of the right.



3. Thus our scriptures forbid us from hating the sinner, but insist that we must hate the sins.


4. This positive philosophy is the meaning of all scriptures in the world. "Every Saint has a past; every Sinner a future." 



Taittiriya Upanishad: Chapter-1, Section-4, Mntram-3.


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