"Bliss-essence ( Brahmananda Rasa)"

1. The oneness of the created world and the creator is nowhere in any other philosophy so beautifully brought out and so perfectly conceived as it is here.



2. It says that the pluralistic world, finite in nature pain-ridden in experience, imperfect at every stage when we try to grasp it from the level of our body, mind and intellect, is itself nothing other than the Supreme, perfect--full of vital, experienceable Bliss-essence(Rasa).



3. Life itself throbs with Reality, and the pain imperfection in life, in our ignorance and stupidity.



4. Any temple can become as dirty as a dustbin if we misuse it-- as scandalously do in many of our temples.



5. Similarly, in our irreverence to life and non-recognition of the divinity in human beings, we breed mutual hatreds and enmities which molest the social security and the beauty of life.



6. The Supreme is full of Rasa(essence) of  Brahmanandam( Bliss), this can be observed in life when we observe a devotee closely.



7. A Christ in rags, a Buddha under a Bodhi tree, a Ramakrishna in the Kali temple, a Vivekananda in the cold railway  platform in America, a Guru Govind Singh encircled with danger and threat to his life at every moment, a Ramatirtha in the valleys of Himalayas... none of them could, be happy yet wore their eternal smile.



7. Taittiriya Upanishad : Chapter-2( Brahmananda Valli), Section-7 ( Brahmam-- Bliss by nature,--source of fearlessness and cause for fear), Mantram-2.


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