
1. Anantam is translated as Infinity.


2. A+Antam = Anantam, here Antam means end or last, 'A' means negative or not, hence anantam means no end ie Infinite.


3.  Since by the word Satyam, Brahmam was indicated as the Real, the substratum from which the entire world of the finite had, as it were, emerged, it has become the cause of the phenomenal  world.


4. The cause from which effects arise (as pot or ornaments from mud/clay, or gold) is generally inert and inorganic, and as such, the doubt may arise that the Supreme is an inert and an unintelligent principle ( like mud or gold).


5. To remove such a hasty conclusion, it is insisted that Satyam, though the cause of the world, is Intelligence itself.


6. This Consciousness that is the substratum of the created world may itself end one day, is yet another doubt that can possibly come in the mind of the uninitiated.


7. To refute this idea and to show  that Pure -Awareness which is Satyam is itself not the effect of any other cause and, as such, is Infinite in nature, we have the term Anantam here.


8. This term explains that though Truth be the cause of the pluralistic mutable world, in itself it is the uncaused cause.


9. Unborn and eternal, that Truth reveals Itself   as Infinite and Conscious.


10. This is the core of man's personality, since without this Consciousness or  Awareness, however strong he may be physically, however noble he may be in mind, however powerful in intellect, the individual will be considered dead by the world.


11. Life means expression of awareful experiences.


12. When an individual ceases to live his experiences, to live awareful of his outer and inner worlds, that mass of matter having the shape of the creature  is considered as dead, and the carcass is claimed by nature for reconversion into five elements ( Panchaboodha) from which it had emerged!


Taittiriya Upanishad: Chapter-2, Section-1, Mantram-1.


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