
1. Prakruthi ( Nature) is a mix of three gunas: a). Sattvic, b). Rajas, c). Tamas.



2. Trigunas all manifested in all living things and matters.



3. We human beings are born with these three gunas, with up-and-down difference in individual to individual.



4. Ramayanam charecters, a). Vibhishanan-Sattvic,  b). Ravanan - Rajas,  c). Kumbhakarnan-Tamas,



5. These characters are in us, sometime we are Ravanan in superlative degree, next occasionally Vibhishanan, balance as Kumbhkarnan.



6. Trimurthis :  Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara are representing: Sattvic, Tamas, Rajs respectively.



6.1,  In time: morning is sattvic,  noon is rajas,  evening(night) is tamas.



7. One who overcomes and comes out of the influence of these three guns and remain beyond them is known as Gunadithan.



8. Gunadithan is very near to the Lord, connected to the Lord, united with the Lord, becomes Eswaran himself.



9. We are talking about the mind,



10. and not the body.




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