"Gifts should be given with Faith"

1. 'Faith is not what we generally understand it to mean.


2. In society faith is generally understood as some idea to be swallowed without questioning, without enquiry.


3. To be under the intellectual tyranny of an individual or a class is not faith according to Vedanta.


4. This has been made clear in the Vvekachudamani by Sri Sankaracharya.


5. Swamiji says that to judge and understand rightly the full import of the advice of the teachers and the depth of the declarations in the sacred texts and, to struggle in our thoughts and activities constantly to attune  ourselves to these intellectual judgement, is called 'Faith.'


6. Therefore, charity is acceptable only when it toes the line of our own independent  beliefs and convictions.


7. Unless we are convinced of the nobility of the cause, and unless we have come to a correct and independent judgement upon its worthiness, charity should not be practiced.


8. There is a school of intellectual idlers who believe that our charity must be as open and as free as the fruits to all, without questioning.


9. This is not acceptable to the science of Vedanta which is not trying to cultivate fruit trees; its aim is to cultivate the thinking animal called 'man.' 


10. Therefore, the Rishi pointedly condemns the opposite idea by the positive declaration  that "Gifts should not be given without Faith."


11. Every benefactor has the right, nay, a duty to enquire into the bonafides of the cause which he is trying to promise.


12. Again, a miserly giving will not benefit either the giver or the receiver and, therefore, it is said that, having come to judge a cause to be deserving, give it your entire patronage "Give in Plenty, With both Hands Give!!!"    





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