1. The forgetfulness of our Divine nature is Ignorance.

2. Thus Ignorance ( avidya) manifests itself in the mental plane as desires.

3. Prompted by these desires the mind whips the sense-organs to run their errands in the world of their objects which together are called the Karmas or the Actions by us.

4. It is the 'ignorance'in the plane of the spirit that gets transformed into "desires"in the outer world-of-objects.

5. Ignorance, desire and action------these three are technically termed as the "Knots of the Heart" ( Hrdaya-granthi ) in Vedanta.

6. It is this set of knots that causes the actions; and man, in order to reap the results of his actions, is compelled to take various new forms and independent lives, in varied circumstances of uncertain joys and endless sorrows.


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