
Swami sankaracharya : "Just as clouds born of the sun's rays cover the sun, so the mind and ego, born of the Self, veil the Self and play as though there is no Self behind them."

Mind is also nothing but Self, and the Consciousness of the Self is the power from which the mind draws its strength to act and function. A seeker must assume intelligently a get-tough stance with the mind. It is the 'negative'approach to deny the mind its full and uncurbed freedom to do and act as it wills. This denial is to be steadily supplemented  with the 'positive' programme  of refusing to co-operate with the mind, and standing in yourself as a quiet 'witness'of the mind's demands and its devil-dances, its maddening rush into objects of pleasure, its clinging attachments to beings, its joys and sorrows, fears and pains, love and lusts, pride and passions, etc; just as an alert 'witness'stands on the balcony of the intellect and 'watches' the self-exhausting excesses of the mind.

When the seeker stands thus, in himself, as a 'witness'of his own mind, he shall notice how the tempo of his mind's drunken revelry slowly quietens. And in time, if he is not himself getting involved in his mind's death-dance, he will see how it comes almost to a spent-out halt. Without your own interest in the sense-pleasures the mind cannot continuously engage, by itself, in its hunt for the objects of the sense-gratifications. We ourselves loan out the dynamism to the inert mind and our mind, so fattened by our own co-operation, threatens our inner peace.

Withdraw your grace from your mind. It is the devil( Rakshasa) who has, through its 'tapas'invoked you and got your own blessings---and it is now threatening to annihilate you! Learn to destroy him quickly.      



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