Evaluate a person by his feelings:-

From our last discussion it should now become obvious that the nature of mind in us alone determines the type of person we are. In fact, as our vasanas---our urges and motives, the sub-surface motivating factors within the emotional profile in us----so  are our thoughts, and as our thoughts, so are our actions(Karma). In the world a man is immediately estimated by his actions only. It is the intelligent critics who will evaluate a person by his feelings. And the rare few intelligent ones alone can truly judge a person and his character with a correct insight into his thoughts and motives.



'As we think so we become':- 


It is a very relevant and valid statement declared about a man and his behaviour. The attempts of a person practicing meditation  are to revolutionise the structure and function of his mind. This is the inner content of all effective schemes for taming the mind.


Influence of physical surroundings:-


We are generally unconscious of this inescapable field of influences that surround us always in society. A man is constantly  influenced by his physical surroundings, consisting of objects, and his mental environments, provided by the types of ideas suggested to his mind from outside.


Our day's transactions in life:-"Safety mechanism".


Naturally, the rude, the vulgar, the sensuous, the lusty, the selfish, the immoral, the crude-----all are mentally breathed in our daily activities in life. It is only in the very rare minds of alert seekers and strong personalities that there is anything like a "safety mechanism" at work to resist-------if not actually to reject---these baser contagions. [to be cont--d].



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