NI-sankalpa (stop all willing):-


Wrong willing:-

All tragedies and sorrows (An-artha) in life come by false and wrong willing. By right willing the mind helps the seekers to gain the higher states in heaven. Holding the mind in joy, and so quietude, stop all willing (Ni-sankalpa ) and thus win the final victory over the mind.

The some total of the willing-power (Sankalpa-sakthl) is that which maintains the individual concept of a separate entity, the ego. It is this ego in us which is suffering all limitations of life. Such a miserable life of endless sorrows alone is possible in an ego-oriented arrangement of things. This attempt of an intelligent seeker is to revolutionise the world , now running under ego-oriented order of power and pleasures, through an evolutionary unfoldment within, into a God-oriented system of peace and perfection. Today all our energies are spent, every moment, in catering to the whims and fancies of this "ego-I" in us. To re-establish the Selfhood within, by ending this lower ego, is the cherished goal of all seekers of higher meditation.   


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