MIND : Its Mysteries & Its Control - Chapter-38 : Swami Sivananda.
========================================================================= Wednesday, April 26, 2023. 08:00. Chapter - 38 : The Mind In A Jivanmukta : ======================================================================== Chapter - 38 : The Mind In A Jivanmukta : “Dehabhimane galite vijnate paramatman Yatra yatra mano yati tatra tatra samadhayah” “With the disappearance of the attachment of the body and with the realisation ofthe Supreme Self, to whatever object the mind is directed, one experiences Samadhi.” Amana is a Sanskrit term which means ‘without mind.’ “Amanaskata” is acondition where there is no mind. It is mindlessness. You will find this in Jivanmuktas orliberated sages. 1.Residual Sattva : Jivanmukta is a sage free (from the trammels of births and deaths) while living. Evenin the case of a Jivanmukta, though the instinctive mind with low desires is destroyed,the spiritual Sattvic mind does not perish. Like flowers and fruits latent in a seed, aresidue of Sattva...