
Showing posts from May, 2020

MIND : ITS MYSTERIES & ITS CONTROL - CHAPTER-32. MEDITATION - 8.1Continued .. Swami Sivananda

==================================================== Thursday, May 28, 2020. MIND : ITS MYSTERIES & ITS CONTROL : Chapter - 32. Meditation -8. 8. SOME USEFUL HINTS-1. Continued ======================================= You must daily increase your Vairagya, meditation and Sattvic virtues such as patience, perseverance, mercy, love, forgiveness, purity, etc. Vairagya and good qualities help meditation. Meditation increases the Sattvic qualities. Just as you conserve the energy by observing Mouna (vow of silence), so also you will have to conserve the mental energy by stopping useless thinking. Then you will save abundant reserve energy for meditation. Remember these three word-images: PURIFICATION, CONCENTRATION, ABSORPTION. Repeat them mentally during meditation. This is a triplet. Remember this triplet. Purify the mind. Get rid of Mala (impurities such as Kama, Krodha, etc.). Perform selfless, desireless actions. This will purify the mind. Practise Upasana, Prana...