Swami Sivananda and the Spiritual Renaissance : I.2. - Swami Krishnananda : The Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, Student political wings of certain undesired political parties such as Communists, Congress etc., and supported by department of education of States of Bharatham and defame this holy country by hook or crook! 2. THE PEACE OF THIS HOLY NATION IS ENDANGERED, BY ALL POLITICAL PARTIES; THEY GO BEYOND ALL LIMITS OF RESPECTABILITY, OUR CHILDREN MUST PROTECTED FROM THESE DEMONS; NEXT FEW DEVELOPED NATIONS WITH VETO POWER TO DISTURB OTHER NATIONS AND CREATE NUISANCE; ANOTHER SET ARE DEVELOPING TERRORISTS, AND EXPORT TERRORISM ALL OVER THE WORLD; ALL THESE BASTARDS DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT LIFE IS SHORT DEATH IS SURE, HUMAN BIRTH AND EXISTENCE IS BOON TO MANKIND AND CORRECT USE OF THIS BIRTH GET REWARDS IN THE NEXT BIRTH, SO BE GOOD TO OTHERS.
======================================================================== ========================================================================= Swami Sivananda and the Spiritual Renaissance : I.2. - Swami Krishnananda : The Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, Student political wings of certain undesired political parties such as Communists, Congress etc., and supported by department of education of States of Bharatham and defame this holy country by hook or crook! 2. THE PEACE OF THIS HOLY NATION IS ENDANGERED, BY ALL POLITICAL PARTIES; THEY GO BEYOND ALL LIMITS OF RESPECTABILITY, OUR CHILDREN MUST PROTECTED FROM THESE DEMONS; NEXT FEW DEVELOPED NATIONS WITH VETO POWER TO DISTURB OTHER NATIONS AND CREATE NUISANCE; ANOTHER SET ARE DEVELOPING TERRORISTS, AND EXPORT TERRORISM ALL OVER THE WORLD; ALL THESE BASTARDS DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT LIFE IS SHORT DEATH IS SURE, HUMAN BIRTH AND EXISTENCE ...