The glory of Hindu Sastras:-(Sciences) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ The Hindu Sastras not only declare the Truth and point out the goal, but they also clearly prescribe ways and means to achieve that goal. This technical know-how available in the Upanishads makes them the most practical and useful literature on Self-perfection available for man in this world. The know-how, however, is lying scattered all through the texts. When a man meditates upon that which is entertaining and pleasant to him, his mind, in its gathering joy and satisfaction, quietens itself and the Chittam becomes steadily rooted in contemplation. Thus the poets, while in their poetic moods scientists in their laboratory, artisans at their work---all of them discover a joy which is not the usual type of joy or peace of mind. This joy arises subjectively from their steadiness-if mind.(Chittasthairyam). However steady the mind may become --and...