GURU-BHAKTI-YOGAM. Ch : 7-7 - 59 to 68.. Ref- Present day children / youth, not governed by Parents Teachers supervision, but overpowered by treacherous anti national, Student political wings of certain undesired political parties such as Communists, Congress etc., and supported by department of education of States of Bharatham and defame this holy country by hook or crook!


All Members,
         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

* Initially, Parents are responsible for the character of Children !
            ** Next,  Educational institutions, and Teachers are responsible !!
            ***Next, Society is responsible ( TV, MOVIES, etc., )
            **** Overall, State and Central Governments are responsible !!!
            ***** Politics & Political parties have no roll and  should be avoided!!!!

7. TRUE GUIDE OF THE SEEKER  : 7-59 to 68.
Swami Sivananda.

7. Praise of Guru in Scriptures : 59 to 

59. The glory of Guru-Bhakti is vividly eulogised in Bhagavata, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Yoga Vasishtha etc. Study them daily. You will be inspired.  

60. Books which are written by Guru who is a realised one, constitute negative Satsanga. When you study them with full of faith and devotion you are wholly in communion with your holy Guru.  

61. Guruís grace will descend on deserving disciple only who is earnestly struggling on the path and who is thirsting for God-realisation.  

62. Nowadays disciples want to lead a life of ease and comfort and expect the grace of Guru, without obeying him.  

63. Guru Nanak, Tulasidas, Sankaracharya, Vyasa and Valmiki have all written volumes on the Glory of association with the Guru and great souls.  

64. Purandara Das, Mira Bai, etc., sang the glory of Guru Kripa.  

65. Faith in God, in scriptures, love and devotion to Guru and God slowly develop in those who do regular Satsanga.  

66. The company of Guru is a question of supply and demand. If there is sincere demand the supply will come at once; this is the inexorable law of nature.  

67. If you are really thirsty for God-realisation you will find your spiritual teacher at your very threshold.  

68. The company of the great realised Guru is difficult of attainment, unapproachable and beneficial. If you pray sincerely with devotion they themselves will come to you.  
Next :8. On Finding the Guru : 69 to 79
Thank you for reading

            To be continued...


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