Modern day Parents:-


As money and creation wealth is the goal of the present parents, do not care to develop their children and their minds. At schools as teachers are worried about TA/DA/PENSION/BENEFITS........etc, no time to look into the students progress in the mind as well as academics. So no one watching these young minds, anyone can distract them to wrong route, here the culprits are parents and teachers.


Mobile phone and Mis-calls:-


The lazy inactive minds easily corrupted, mobile phones are provided at the early age and  before the age maturity, they carry every where. Porno is easily accessible from mobile shops, boys start watching cheap sex videos/clips.

Next boys tempted with this input send Miss-calls to girls, there after, the story starts.




As the way fox cheat  the crow using mobile talks and snatch away the appam, girls easily fell victims in the nets of cheats, remaining stories every body's guess.

Bharatham gradually becomes a land of spoiled youth, Parents, Teachers, Govts, Rulers, Police just helpless to come out from this decay.



Diversion of mind to spirituality from the young age, to uplift minds in the right direction. A joined effort of Parents+Teachers+Society+Administration(Governments) is need of the hour.

A study of  Bhagavadgeeta, and Scriptures are essential at educational institutions. Secondly periodic training  in Scriptures to parents, teachers, politicians, Society is immediately required. No vote bank interference is tolerated, as the country needs a uplift herself.


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