Lack of 'God's grace' or  'Guru's blessings':-( Self-Deception)


When spiritual attempts fail many attribute it all to a lack of  above two!!

We too may assume it to be so, if that is a consolation for us! But the truth is that man is very clever at self-deception, and a seeker is no exception. We deceive ourselves to satisfy some harmless little demands of the flesh(sex), or some mental tickling, or some intellectual fancy. We are very adroit in justifying our own weakness and discovering a thousand convincing arguments to excuse ourselves.

'we comprómise with our  ideals' :- 


To get temporary  gratification of some passing whim of our mind we compromise with our ideals. On such occasions the useful justification is that it is 'a necessary evil.'  And it sounds sounds quite an acceptable excuse in the ears of our society. But a spiritual student must avoid this thorny bush and should never think of taking shelter behind its poisonous foliage. For, invariably we find that a necessary evil very soon becomes 'more and more necessary'and, as we repeat the evil again and again, it is found to become 'less and less evil'in our judgement! This is how a compromise once made tends to perpetuate itself as a habit of the mind. 

'Thereafter Failure':-


It is through such unconscious cracks that the meditative powers, cultivated and stored up in us, slowly leak out, and the seeker's bosom becomes empty of all its acquired beauty and glory.



Be alert. Be vigilant. Avoid all compromises. Be firm on the principles of self-control. Yield not to the mind's charms. Fight them down. Keep cheerful. Turn the mind to the Lord. In devotion cry out for help from the Lord and the teacher. Redirect the mind towards the Lord. Success is sure to the sincere. "Stop not till the goal is reached." BUT SLOWLY!!! (end).        


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