Type of values and motives we entertain:-

The force with which the sense-organs run, and the depth to which they can drag in our worldly life, will depend upon the 'frequency 'of agitations in our mind; and these agitations depend upon the type of values or motive we entertain.

The qualities of values we respect: 

Gets reflected in the quality of thoughts we will be entertaining in us, and the nature of our thoughts will determine the texture and nobility of our actions.


When the values are low, utterly selfish and extremely ego-centered the thoughts are dull, gross, and even animalistic, and naturally actions arising out of them can only be unintelligent, undignified, and meant only for gratification  of baser passions, ( today these values are on top in our land where women are not safe and secure).These people who carry such values and motives are Tamasic.


When the motives are slightly nobler, but are centered around a person's own selfish ego, extremely passionate, supremely ambitious then they will produce a rougher 'frequency'in his thought-moments. Actions being faithful expressions of our inherent thought-patterns, actions of such persons can only be dynamic, seeking self-gratifications of their own selfish desires and personal ambitions.( again they are in plenty in our land running around for grabbing others wealth, others opportunities, others fame, etc).These are rajasic.


The noblest motives alone can bring the mind into state of alert attention to catch the passing tunes of the Eternal  Rhythm all around and within. The thoughts of such people have a noiseless charm,and their activities have compelling grace, an enchanting beauty, a pleasing aura and a self-evident glow of Holiness. ( these are very rare and few in numbers). They are Sattvic. [ to be cont--d].





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